Xiaomi WiFi Router 3G

Do you have any special configuration for mount or samba? Which protocol will be faster? Maybe ftp or a protocol that uses multicore

Can someone please help me. I can't manage to mount a fat32 usb stick. Where can i find a guide?

All you need: https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/storage

I see that now on GitHub there are two branches :smiley:
Do I have to change the feed
src-git mtk https://github.com/Nossiac/mtk-openwrt-feeds;lede-17.01
src-git mtk https://github.com/Nossiac/mtk-openwrt-feeds;master ?


i can't see the device under /dev/sdaX, even though the usb is plugged in and recognised

usb 2-1: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci-mtk

I had the same problem. Do you use JMS567 or any UAS controller? Because I have to use another controller to work.

where can i check?

you must install usbutils with command opkg update & opkg install usbutils. Then you can check with command lsusb. You will see your devices.

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0781:5583 SanDisk Corp. Ultra Fit
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub

this is what i get, but if I run ls in /dev, i can't see anything like sda0 or something.:scream: please help i am still a noob with lede

I cannot find this in LEDE trunk. Do you happen to have a link to this particular commit?

Did you install all packages? Little tip: https://medium.com/openwrt-iot/lede-openwrt-setting-up-usb-storage-support-adec9c0d484e


Still it recognise the usb stick but i don't see it under /dev/sd*

I have installed the pakages with the--force-depends option, because they required a newer version of the kernel. Maybe that is the problem?

thank you all guys, solved by updating the kernel

is it possible to flash original firmware or padavan with this method ? I have no backup...

If you did not erase kernel0,you can make it boot the stock kernel:

I have not tested it.

Hi, i’m new to this forum and it’s incredible how i’ve never heard about flashing custom firmwares into routers, and from what i’ve been reading here, it’s very useful!

I just have one question for you guys before start doing the entire process. Is this firmware stable enough for daily use?
thankss :slight_smile:

Welcome to the "club" :slight_smile: I hope you like it. Flashing your own firmware opens up for a lot of fun...
I recommend that you have "backup router" in the drawer before you start in case anything goes bad.

Stable? It really depends on your definition of "stable enough for daily use". Until the next major stable version of OpenWRT this router only has Snapshot builds that change daily. So one day a build could be nice and stable and the next day it could have some issues.

Personally I think the build are stable enough for my use - and I use it as my main router @home. You might experience occasional reboots so I would not consider it "production" ready.

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good day, since they are in that subject I would like to know how is the wireless range (dbm) of the router, thanks for the hard work

thank you! i'll give it a try today!

Help, I accidentally did a "nand erase" in uboot console, and now the LED remains dead. Any hints for unbricking? No more outputs in serial console, no usb boot with "miwifi.bin" :frowning: