Xiaomi WiFi Router 3G

Hi there!

I've installed the snapshot r5629-23bba9c firmware a few weeks ago. And I have got a big bug. I plug in a hdd, with usb 2.0 hub (i don't think it matter). And using it to download files through transmission and watch movie from the hdd. And my downloaded files gets corrupted and it is needed to redownload (said by transmission). And also i've seen green pixellation when a movie is played.

I tried other hdd, filesystem on both is ext4. Checked by e2fsck nothing wrong.

But if i reboot the router and recheck (verify data) then it says its 100% if nothing happend.

Do you experience anything like this? Or what can i do to help the devs to get rid of this?

It is a bug, probably kernel. Link
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Do you know any alternative way to enable SSH other than generating a file on http://d.miwifi.com/rom/ssh?
This website seems to be down. I have tried the alternative way to enable telnet and then SSH (just like for previous Mi routers) but it failed. Prometheus script also was not able to do it.
This is my second Mi 3G, for the first one it went flawlessly.

If you like soldering you can try this:

use this adress, with "s" caracther: https://d.miwifi.com/rom/ssh

i dont know but with only http dont work

Neither http:// nor https:// worked. I am getting 'ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED' or 'bad gateway' msgs.
I tried with pc/mac/iphone/android but no luck.

I finally found how to do it. You need to switch manually to HTTPS at every stage.

  1. Change to HTTPS
  2. Log in (on account.mi.com, there will be a redirection)
  3. Change to HTTPS again, this time the URL with a parameter
  4. Choose your router, generate file
  5. Change to HTTPS one more time
  6. miwifi_ssh.bin is ready!

Thank you very much MakaanPL!!.

Finally I got the miwifi_ssh.bin file with your instruction.

Much appreciated.

I'm using Xiaomi WiFi Router 3G with installed developer firmware (version miwifi_r3g_firmware_c2175_2.25.122).

I've paired router with Xiaomi account using mobile app.
After that I've tried to get SSH using Prometheus. But I got two warnings. First - Prometheus showed me warning that firmware version I use is unknown. I've selected "y" to continue.
Second was when I've tried to get SSH. Prometheus warned me that it was unable to connect via SSH. I've tried to enter login and pass manually but no luck with SSH :frowning:
As I understand to get SSH pass I need to use web-link d.miwifi.com/rom/ssh but this link not working for me and I can't get miwifi_ssh.bin. Are there any other ways to get SSH? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Oh, the problem was in missing "s" letter in web-link. Thanks MakaanPL!


someone could tell me where can I check changes of each release of version for wifi3G xiaomi router.
I have checked that there is a new release since yesterday but I do not know what kind of changes or bug are fixes


On the other hands, is there any option to upgrade release without losing the configurations that i have like: wifi, pppoe config, interfaces, vlans..


Why not just use Google Translator?


You can upgrade through luci with "Keep settings" check box selected.

thanks for your support.
I have upgrade last version , but have lost all the addons...

for next upgrades, do you know how can i do to keep them?

Your settings will remain, but packages You must install by Yourself.

Or second way is to compile image including all Your packages.

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good to know for the next upgrade...

We have developed an other web application to help people to configure a lot of things easier then luci and that has an installer page, which save the opkg list-installed to a file in /etc/config directory which is preserved through updates. And on the same page you can install them by few clicks. which also check opkg list-installed compare it to the old one and install the missing packages.

I should say it is not protected to cross-site-scripting (XSS), and so on so you should use it only in LAN or VPN connection. because its just a bunch of shell script which is run by root, so it can delete everything for example. Use it at your own risk.

You can download it from here basic*.tar.gz would be enough to that. after you download goto luci and install it via backup restore. after reboot there will be an other web server which is run on router_ip:9092 port. username and password like in luci...

The installer page found in /system/service installer you can save opkg list by installed packages and save list afterupgrade you can find your missing packages in "other packages" textarea and by the install button you can install them.

i use image builder to 'assemble' an image with the addons i use.. For example i use following commands to assemble my image (in linux)

mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src/
rm ~/src/openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
rm -r -f ~/src/openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64/
wget https://downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/targets/ramips/mt7621/openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
tar -xf openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
cd ~/src/openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64/

make image PROFILE=mir3g PACKAGES="ca-bundle ca-certificates chat curl ddns-scripts ddns-scripts_cloudflare.com-v4 ipset iptables-mod-conntrack-extra iptables-mod-ipopt kmod-ifb kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra kmod-ipt-ipopt kmod-ipt-ipset kmod-mii kmod-nfnetlink kmod-sched-cake kmod-sched-core kmod-tun kmod-usb-net kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether kmod-usb-net-rndis libcurl libipset libiwinfo-lua liblua liblzo libmbedtls libmnl libopenssl librt libubus-lua libuci-lua libusb-1.0 libustream-openssl lua luci luci-app-ddns luci-app-firewall luci-app-openvpn luci-app-sqm luci-base luci-lib-ip luci-lib-jsonc luci-lib-nixio luci-mod-admin-full luci-proto-ipv6 luci-proto-ppp luci-theme-bootstrap openssl-util openvpn-easy-rsa openvpn-openssl rpcd rpcd-mod-rrdns sqm-scripts tc uhttpd uhttpd-mod-ubus usb-modeswitch usbutils wwan zlib htop luci-app-adblock adblock etherwake luci-app-wol luci-app-samba samba36-server"

any addon to get captures with tcpdum..?
I have seen wshark but It's a trial :-/

Hi, I'm using r5739-18f4944 / LuCI Master (git-18.009.50819-7749af8) and router reboot itself 2 times in 30 hours.
/sys/kernel/debug/crashlog is empty, how should I activate the log?
Do I have to compile by activating something in the kernel menu?

Many thanks