Luci Gui improvement needed

Yes, and when it doesn’t work we in this forum gets the blame and the responsibility to give “openwrt support”.
And then we get the blame when we have no idea what the system they have built actually do or more likely not do that it should do to actually work.
So the first question I usually ask nowadays is what openwrt version they actually use if they haven't said that to begin with.

I don't think somebody blames openwrt for a not working e.g. netgear firmware :slight_smile:
but i know what you mean.

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I would like to make it very clear that I, and I think others in this forum, do not intend for developers to completely change the interface, in fact it is fine as it is now, but I think it is that a quick configuration web page should be added.

There are many valid reasons to use actual OpenWrt over an OEM version of OpenWrt. Many of those users would benefit from a simplified setup/configruation process. Somehow the OEMs break things and/or get stuck on old versions (Qualcomm routers are usually based on the QSDK that itself is based on older versions of OpenWrt). They often lack some of the critical features that a user may not be exposed to, but are really important - e.g. OEMs fail to use SQM/fq_codel for QOS. OpenWrt is usually more stable, actually receives updates (both features and security updates), etc.

Luci today is so much better than it used to be (and obviously way better than no web GUI!), but there is definitely value for making it easier for people to get started.