Install EdgeRouter X firmware to EdgeRouter X SFP

Same empty window.
It could be because of bad UART. Jumper it's set to 3.3V, but I didn't test it with Volt-Meter.
Maybe it's a bad UART that it's giving less than 3.3V. Could that cause the problem ?

Are you sure that everything is correctly connected?
RX goes to TX and TX to RX

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It was wrong. Was RX to RX and TX to TX.

It should be
Green cable from UART 3.3V to Router 3.3V
Black cable from UART GND to GND Router
Red cable from UART TXD to RX in router
Blue cable from UART RXD to TX in router ?

No,3.3V should not be connected at all.
You are going to destroy both the router and adapter

Seems it's destroyed then.
Other ones are correct connected ?

I dont know which color of cable is what.
But the pins on adapter should be labeled.

If you are lucky then maybe only adapter is dead.
Does the router have any leds active?

Power is active.
I mean I bought number of cables. They are different colors. Does cable color matter ?

The pins on the adapter are labeled DTR, TXD, RXD, GND, 3V3, 5V.
Adapter is led is active as well

Colors on the cable dont matter at all.
Its simple,you connect TXD to RX, RXD to TX and GND to GND.

You dont connect 3.3V and 5V ever

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I connected as you said, also speed 115200, and Flow control - None. Nothing changes I get that blank screen.
At least I see the power led on router and when I connect ethernet I see other leds like eth0,1,2,3

It seems I need to buy a volt meter to check how much V the UART is giving

If you have connected 3.3V to router then most likely your UART adapter is fried

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Is there a way to check this ?

Sure,I would first check if the IC on the adapter gets really hot.
But,there is a big chance its dead

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With a new UART that is 3.3v connected in the correct way, Baud rate115200 and flow control None - I got same blank screen

Thats really weird.
Only thing I can think of is that router could be dead too.
But without measuring if there is anything on those pins I have no idea

I have volt-meter. I can measure if you say what I should measure
I should power router connect to ground and RX, then ground and TX and then ground and 3.3v and see what DC voltage will show on volt meter ?

On RX pin you should see varying voltage

Its TX 3.33
RX 3.24
3V3 0.0

So, UART looks alive.

3V3 should be 0.0 ?

No,but its weird that RX and TX have normal voltages